Five Stories
Experimental Typographic Design
Lydia Davis’ “Five Stories” is a collection of anecdotes, each exploring different themes relating to the absurdity of everyday life and the power behind human emotion. This project utilizes expressive typography with a color palette limited to black, white, and grey to render each story. The stories - presented on each face of the cube - receive an individualized typographic treatment, with the type mimicking events occurring in the text.
Serving as a trailer for “Five Stories”, this stop-motion animation pairs with the typographic cube.
“They are lost, but also not lost but somewhere in the world. Most of them are small, though two are larger, one a coat and one a dog. Of the small things, one is a certain ring, one a certain button. They are lost from me and where I am, but they are also not gone.”
-Lydia Davis, Five Stories